Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Hannukah candle

First off, yes--I know I have not updated the blog since July. I missed almost the whole summer, Kai's birthday and Thanksgiving to name a few occasions. But alas, it's too late to go back 4 months, so I'm starting fresh with the first candle of Hannukah!
I couldn't find our regular hannukah candles, so we had to light the mini hannukia (=menorah) instead of the normal one we use. Kai was very excited about the candles, and said "birthday candles!" He then helped me sing a Hannukah song, faking his way through it (it was hilarious because he doesn't know this song at all), and in the end--what's a Hannukah celebration without Sufganiyot (=jelly donuts)?? Yummy!