Friday, October 30, 2009

Kai saying no

sorry this video, again, is sideways... one day I'll remember not to do that. This is a video of Kai not only shaking his head no (which he's been doing for a while), but actually meaning NO.


Kai is finally old enough to put on a costume this year, and he looked soooo adorable in it! He dressed up as a dalmation, because he loves dogs. The costume was a little hot for our little sweaty baby, so he didn't keep it on too long, but we took some pictures at home before daycare. At his daycare they had a big parade of all the kids, and Kai's age group was taken by buggy. He did great until he spotted me, and he was also really sweaty at this point.

really getting into the puppy part!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Bagel

To continue in the tradition of themed bagels, Kai got a pumpkin shaped bagel for lunch today! It did not have pumpkin flavor, and was smeared in non-dairy cream cheese which tastes kind of like cardboard and contains no nutrients (but plenty of food coloring and preservatives for sure). But hey--he enjoyed it!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kai's adventures in the kitchen

Kai has been extremely picky when it comes to food lately. This child who used to eat ANYTHING in sight and ask for more has been turning his head away and shutting his lips to many foods. We think he's just trying to feel empowered because right after refusing dinner he will ask for banana ("nana"). Well, tonight dinner was a success! He loved eating his spaghetti and looked super cute too! (also see video below, and I apologize for you having to turn your head to view it...).

We are in the process of packing in preparation of moving to our first owned home! The house is a huge mess, more than usual, but Kai doesn't seem to mind. He's discovered the cabinet with the pots and pans, which we now leave unlatched so he can play, and when given a spoon, spatula or whisk, makes his own music.