Kai has been sick with a stomach virus for the past week, so I finally took him to the doctor for a sick visit, but since he was scheduled to have a well visit next Monday, they combined the two. The whole way to the doctor (20 min away) I was looking back in the rearview mirror and praying he wouldn't throw up, and luckily he didn't! He was a little quieter than usual at the doctor's office, but allowed the doctor to check him and ask me questions. Dr. Jeney said he looks good and is doing well developmentally. He measured at 34 1/4 inches long (only 1/2 inch taller than his 15 months visit, but still tall!), and weighed 29 lbs 1 oz (about 1 lb more than his 15 months weight, but I'm sure he has lost some weight this week prior to being weighed).
Overall, Kai is doing great and doing us proud! He has lots of words, although many of them only intelligible to us, is very affectionate and friendly, enjoys smiling and making people smile by being silly, and is starting to enjoy art (dot paints, markers, crayons and stickers--mixed media!). He has a little girlfriend in school (Amelia), and once he gets over his separation issue in the morning, he enjoys his daycare. We think he's hitting his terrible twos a little early as we are seeing an increase in tantrums lately, and the kid who used to eat anything and everything has become a very picky eater!
Kai, you are our little monkey and we love you sooooo much!!
(Thanks to Dana and Cate for photos!)