Friday, December 25, 2009


We had a quiet Christmas this year, just the 3 of us at home.  But we can't complain--it was really relaxing, and lovely to see Kai really experience it.  We had a nice dinner on Christmas eve, and then French toast in the morning. We then got to the task of opening presents...

Kai finding the presents!

Daddy helping Kai open presents...

A remote control car for toddlers.  Kai liked it until it started moving on its own and then he got scared and ran to Daddy!

Keith opening his U2 tickets present!

First snow

The snow that we got a few days ago was not Kai's first official snow, but it was the first time he was aware of it and got to play in it (or as he might see it, "was made to play in it"). He was a little nervous at first and kept shaking his head "NO."

Kai is finding new indoor activities now that it's too cold to go play outside.  He started drawing on a chalkboard Jenn got him for his birthday (but we just new opened it for him).  He also sometimes tries to eat the chalk...  He is finding new spots for hide and seek, and is learning how to draw with crayons! (although sometimes all he wants to do is take them out and put them in the box).

(Kai's first chalk drawing!)


Kai spent first night of Hanukkah and Saba at Savta's house (Keith was still in the hospital). He enjoyed the sufganiot and the candles :)

Santa Train Ride

OK, sorry this post is waaaaay overdue. Most people have probably seen these pics on facebook anyway. I've been busy, what can I say!
Below are pictures from our Santa Train Ride, as well as some Hawthorne parade picture..
Kai was pretty much afraid of all the big characters!!


Friday, December 4, 2009

Blowing water bubbles

Kai discovered how to blow bubbles in his water, and couldn't stop laughing. This was going on way beyond the video--it was so hilarious!!