Below are some pictures from our recent trip to Vermont. Kai, Ima and Allison (Ima's friend) drove to VT to meet Kellie and Chris' son Liam for the first time, and celebrate his first birthday! The boys had a fun time following each other, fighting over toys, and even kissing! Liam's birthday party was at a beautiful lake park, and after torturing him 3 separate times, Kai finally learned to enjoy the water and stopped crawling up my neck! :)
Also see video of Kai playing rebel on the slide...
This picture is from the morning of the trip... Daddy got Kai a shark bagel in honor of Shark Week!

Here is Kai and Liam floating in the lake. It took about 30 min to get Kai into the water completely.

In the middle of changing a diaper Kai decided to run away and go play naked!

Drying off after the dip in the water...

Kai was very interested in eating the rocks, and I actually had to dig some out of his mouth! It was a challenge to keep up with him--he was quick!

Kai and Ima

Happy Birthday to Liam! Look at him clap!

Kai pushing Liam on his new fire truck toy

Sweet Liam kissing Kai!

Breakfast at Clem's (Kai had a whole muffin, some banana, and an egg!)

The babies playing in the house

Kai with Allison and Kellie

Gilat and cute Liam

Kai didn't really enjoy going down the slide so much as he did going up! Kid got skillz!