Kai spent Saturday through Sunday at his Saba and Savta's house. He played in his new floor gym, spent the morning in their bed snuggling, and made everyone smile! Ima got to sleep in a little--thank you!
Kai had his first playdate today! We visited "the other Millers" and Kai played (ok layed next to) little Mac. Mac kept trying to touch Kai, and Kai let him. Quinton did a good job entertaining them both. Mac graciously shared his toys, including his Exersaucer, which Kai seemed to like (or at least not mind). Thank you for hosting--we had fun! Video to be added soon...
Last week we took Kai outside to enjoy the snow. He was in a bit of shock and blinded by the brightness, but seemed to be somewhat interested. Can't wait till he's old enough to make a snow angel!